JOIN PAK NAVY if you want to become a part of the Pakistan Navy. We provide guidance and step-by-step procedures for each available position. JOIN PAK NAVY offers multiple courses for entry. Here, you’ll find complete details about recent PAK NAVY Job vacancies in the Pakistan Navy, making it easier for you to pursue a fulfilling career.

JOIN PAK NAVY – A Journey of Honour

Joining the Pakistan Navy offers various pathways, including PN-cadet, M-cadet, civilian, PAK Marines, SSC (Short Service Commission), and positions for Sailors. We provide complete details for each job category, including eligibility criteria like age, height, and qualifications. The aim of TABEER ACADEMY is to make it simple for you to understand your options and start your fulfilling career in the Pakistan Navy



Want to JOIN PAK NAVY, Read the joining guide for each PAK Navy vacancy.

Related:- PMA Test


Online registration for PAK Navy Jobs is available on specific dates, as indicated in the table below. It’s crucial to register promptly to secure your opportunity to join the PAK Navy. Once registration closes for a particular job or vacancy, no further registrations, whether online or physical, will be accepted at Navy Selection centers.

Related:- MDCAT Registration

Most PAK Navy Course vacancies open twice a year, and being part of our community will ensure you never miss an opportunity to serve with honor and dedication.

Related:- Army Lady Cadet Course Syllabus

To stay informed about recently announced vacancies in the PAK Navy, we invite you to join our WhatsApp community or follow our official social media platforms.

Related:- Join PAK Army

Join PAK Navy Online Registration

Join PAK Navy PN Cadet Course

To check ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA click here
GenderMale only
Agecivilians:- 16.5 to 21 years
service candidates:- 17 to 23 years
Martial Statuscivilians:- Unmarried
service candidates:- Unmarried/Married
Height5 feet 4 inch minimum
QualificationCandidates who have passed both matric & FSc or O/A Level with at least 60% marks and part-II appearing candidates with at least 65% marks in part-I can also apply on hope certificate. following subjects combination is necessary.
Physics, Maths, Chemistry
Physics, Maths, Computer Science
Physics, Maths, Statistics

Join PAK Navy Sailors Course

To check ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA click here
Age16 to 22 years
Martial StatusUnmarried
Height5 feet 4 inches (minimum)
QualificationMatric (Minimum)

Join PAK Navy SSC Course

To check ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA click here
Age18 to 28 years (different for different branches)
Martial StatusMarried/Unmarried
Height5 feet 4 inches (minimum)
QualificationMaster (different for different branches)

Join PAK Navy Civilians Course

To check ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA click here
Age16 to 30 years
Martial StatusUnmarried/Married
Height5 feet 4 inches (minimum)
QualificationMatric to Master [ check laatest join pak navy civilians jobs advertisement for further details]

Join PAK Navy PAK Marians Course

To check ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA click here
Age16 1/2 to 20 years
Martial StatusUnmarried
Height5 feet 7 inches (minimum)
QualificationMatric (minimum 60% marks)

Join PAK Navy PAK M-Cadet Course

To check ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA click here
Ageup to 26 years
Martial StatusUnmarried
Height5 feet 7 inches (minimum)
QualificationAfter MBBS or Studying in MBBS 4th years or 5th years

Join PAK Navy Online Registration

To register online, go to the official website of the Pakistan Navy ( and complete the form there. Before you start, watch the guidance video for help. Remember, once you submit the form, you can’t change your details. So, it’s important to be accurate.

Putting wrong information might lead to rejection when they check your documents at the Navy selection center. Make sure to fill in the form carefully to avoid any problems during the selection process.

Related:- Army Lady Cadet Course Online Registration

Join Pak Navy Selection Process

common selection procedure of PAK Navy is as follows.

  • Initial Written/Intelligence Test
  • Medical Test
  • Physical Test
  • Initial Interview
  • Further Selection Procedure for Commissioned Courses:
    • ISSB 5 Days Test procedure
    • Final Medical Examination
    • Joining instructions as per the final merit list

Download:- NUMS Syllabus 2025